Does Haskell hurt your brain?

Posted on 17 August 2006

Feel free to bitch about Haskell in the comments! I'm interested to see how one should go about writing the How to read Haskell tutorial, as well as the Haskell wikibook.

The tutorial is aimed at people who want to understand some piece of Haskell code they encounter, or who like to learn by example (and quickly find themselves lost). The wikibook is more aimed at people who are new to programming and who are said to have an easier time picking up Haskell than their l33t hacker friends (you know, not so much unlearning to do). Speaking of l33t hackers, maybe this would be a good chance to point out Haskell for C programmers...

Anyway, yeah so, if you've been turned off by Haskell because it's hard, weird or painful, let me know. Note that if I receive any comments at all, I'm somewhat expecting them to be about IO and monads. Those comments are welcome too, although I would like them better if you followed up with any insights about what make them hard for you to understand. Otherwise, what I would most like to see are the complaints about reading and understanding Haskell code.

