burn your gas factories down

Posted on 21 May 2007

I've been Haskelling for three years now and have been loving it. The only discomfort is that from time to time I become painfully aware of my habit of making things horrible and ugly. Consider this code for instance:

usine à gaz

List of random indices. It is a list [ rM, r(M+1), ..., rN ] where rX is a random number from X to N
> nexts g (l,h) = unfoldr nxt (g,l,h)
> where
> nxt (_,l,h) | l >= h = Nothing
> nxt (g,l,h) = let (r,g2) = randomR (l,h) g
> glh2 = (g2, l + 1, h)
> in Just (r, glh2)

This code has been called "clever". Anytime somebody calls your code "clever", you should begin to worry. I mean just look at that thing! You can positively hear the gears turning and the doodads clicking. This code is what the French call a "gas factory", something incomprehensibly and needlessly complex.

is there no simpler way?

Stop micromanaging! Just tell the computer what you want, not what you want it to do

> nexts2 g (l,h) = map (\x -> fst $ randomR (x,h) g) [l..h-1]

No gears or doodads. Geez... I don't what it is with me and making things more complicated than they need to be.

