unsort bis
Posted on 20 May 2007
Boy, do I feel like a big dummy!
Here is a super short and functional version I saw from a Pythonista on reddit.
import Data.List ( sort )
import System.Random ( Random, RandomGen, randoms, getStdGen )
main :: IO ()
main =
do gen <- getStdGen
interact $ unlines . unsort gen . lines
unsort :: (Ord x, RandomGen g) => g -> [x] -> [x]
unsort g es = [ y | (_,y) <- sort $ zip rs es ]
where rs = randoms g :: [Integer]
Heffalump points out that (i) if you have duplicates in
, you don't get scrambling for the relevant bits (ii) this requires Ord x, which it really ought not to (although that is ani improvement from the array thing where I had to lock the type down for some reason)
edit deux
Hmm... what does it mean to get a list of random arbitrary precision integers?